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Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:26 pm
by Benjamin
I\'m curious:

Which of these hands would you riichi?

9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 5-bam 7-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


8-dot 8-dot 8-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:27 pm
by Benjamin
By the way, there is a right answer to all of these, at least according to general theory.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:44 pm
by Arcade
No reach:angry:

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:12 pm
by WorTeX
1. no reach (better wait can be achieved)

2. reach (better wait is a bit far-fetched)

3. no reach (depending on situation, but this hand should go for san anko or chanta)

4. Totally depending on the situation, probably wouldn\'t reach just yet, unless it\'s very early and i can pressure others.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:16 pm
by Benjamin
I added a fourth one.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by Yukun
No Riich


No Riich

No Riich

I guess depending on what Wind I am, answer differs.

4th one is not even pushin hand for me... unless I draw 1m or 8-9s.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by 5dots
Benjamin wrote:I\'m curious:

Which of these hands would you riichi?

9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 5-bam 7-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak


8-dot 8-dot 8-dot 2-bam 3-bam 4-bam 8-bam 9-bam :north :north :north 1-crak 1-crak

Of course I suppose that the player is not the north player~

Somehow depends on who\'s dealer and when the hand is ready to reach but probably no reach. It\'s worth to wait for 1234578 bam and 1 crak to make this dora-3 hand better.

Reach. To upgrade this hand there\'s only limited choice : 189 bam and 1 crak (but for 1 or 2 fans only). A reach with dora-3 hand is enough to cover that.

No reach. This time 1 or 2 fan more is important as there\'s only basically 1 fan when you reach.

Probably reach. The 2 fan for 3 concealed pongs is not sure even when drawing 89 crak. Reach is used as a warning more than a hand now~

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:38 pm
by Shirluban
1) Riichi. I know it\'s a bad wait and this hand can goes better, but I wouldn\'t let pass a mangan hand.
Depending on the exact situation (points, tiles on the pond, numbers of hands left, ...), I may not reach.
(I belive the general theory said to not reach here.)

2) Riichi. Same as above, plus the wait can hardly be improved.

3 & 4) Not riichi. These hands are too low and bad waiting to reach.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:25 am
by Archon_Wing
1,2 No, yes 1 could probaly improve, 2 probaly can\'t get any better and reach may be the only chance of winning a big hand. If it\'s nearing the end and I am behind, the stick will go in. ;)

3,4 No. I may be weak here, but I am not overly concerned with winning with these hands. It\'s not worth locking yourself in for a big loss (+1000 pts) with a hand that has not that much potential in score and crappy wait. Not only will I not riichi, but I will break up these hands at any sign of danger. Will riichi if 4th place and it\'s the last game though maybe. ;)

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:46 am
by MortenA
Yeah I pretty much agree with Archon Wing here...
Of course there are other things to take into consideration such as your opponents, the discards and wether or not you are dealer but all else being equal I agree.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:41 am
by Poochy
1. Reach. I see no opportunity for yaku besides Reach here, and it\'s worth a mangan at minimum if you win due to the 3 dora.
2. Reach. The hand would have 4 yaku and enough han for a mangan, if I\'m not mistaken. There\'s no point in hoping for chanta for a 5th yaku, as the point value is still the same.
3. Don\'t reach. Reaching would make it worth 1 yaku (plus a small chance at more with the ura-dora), which isn\'t even worth risking the 1,000-point ante for, when you can hope for a 1sou for chanta, then reach if you get it. (However, I would reach if this were my 8th consecutive dealer hand, as I see no opportunity for a better wait, so reaching would be my only hope of winning the 8th hand for a yakuman.)
4. Reach. I see no opportunity for other yaku, nor for a better wait.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:31 am
by zzo38
All are single waits

It would depend on various things such as what is already discarded and how many, whether or not I am in the North position, the jackpot, and the playing styles of other players.

I don\'t think I would declare riichi on the first hand listed if I am the North position, because I already have 1 yaku and 3 dora and the hand can still be improved by picking up a 4 or 8.

In the second and third hands, a 1 could improve it to non-simple in each set yaku, but if it is early and no sevens have been discarded I might declare riichi depending on other circumstances.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:06 am
by July
1. Depends on any number of things.





Depends. In the late game when you need 1000 points to win the whole thing or something, it might not be such a bad idea to go for it. Or in the early game when you can make a double reach or something, go ahead. But other than that, there\'s really no need to win with such a lame hand.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:13 pm
by KawamuraReo
The forums appeared to have eaten my post so I\'m fairly annoyed but it\'s nothing I can\'t reproduce.

1 - Do not reach.

Aim for:

1-bam2-bam3-bam7-bam9-bam and do a wait on 8-bam instead. If you\'re feeling unsafe and want a better wait, do 7-bam8-bam for a 6-bam9-bam wait instead, however you risk not getting a chanta hand, since you already have an ankou of 9-dot and :north, you don\'t want to take any chances.

2 - Do not reach.

Aim for:

1-bam2-bam3-bam8-bam9-bam instead, and wait on 7-bam. You get a definite chanta.

3 - Do not reach.

Your only hope is that the :north is either an ura-dora of any kind or your seat wind, so that you may take some cheap shots at the opponents. It also serves as a nice way to bluff when you\'re improving your hand.

4 - Do not reach.

Very situational and self-explanatory. Better waits, better hands, etc.

Re:Ben's Quiz

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:01 pm
by Shirluban
Welcome KawamuraReo.
Birthdate 1992-09-09 ? You\'re surely the younger user of this forum!
KawamuraReo wrote:1 - Do not reach.

Aim for:

1-bam2-bam3-bam7-bam9-bam and do a wait on 8-bam instead.

2 - Do not reach.

Aim for:

1-bam2-bam3-bam8-bam9-bam instead, and wait on 7-bam. You get a definite chanta.
What do you expect by moving the hand form 4 han 40 fu (mangan) to 5 han (mangan)?
You will get just the same amound of points!
It doesn\'t worth to slow-down the hand if you don\'t have a reward for this.