Someone mentioned it to me a few months back but all I knew about it was that you have the option of playing with super-powers.
I've found an official webpage for the game in English - it seems that your abilities are actually based on real cheating techniques. They even list the genre of the game as Ikasama Mahjong - "cheating mahjong"!
The other USP of the game is that the characters are voiced by Japanese celebrities.
Check the link for screenshots...
(controversial bit at the end!)Use dirty tactics to win the match! "Bukko Nuki" "Tsubame Gaeshi" "Elevator" "Gun Tiles" and others come right out of the comic books for you to use at your whim! Experience a game of Mahjong like no other,with an all-new system. Of course,there\'s always the option to play a straight game of Mahjong, but where's the fun in that?
I've already ordered my first DS mahjong game (Superlite 2500 Custom Mahjong made by the same people - see below) but I'll add Akko to my shopping list. ... tom_majan/